Sunshine Week

St. John's United Methodist Church 1200 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM, United States

In recognition of Sunshine Week, which celebrates efforts to keep government transparent and accoutable, we will host a panel discussion of IPRA (Inspect Public Records Act): what it is and how it is used. Details to come

Sunshine Week Panel Discussion: Why We Need IPRA (New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act)

St. John's United Methodist Church 1200 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM, United States

Sunshine Week celebrates government transparency and the right of voters to be informed. Laws that assure public bodies meet in the open and that public records are available and accessible are collectively known as "Sunshine Laws." This year, we are focusing on New Mexico's Inspection of Public Records Act. The panel will discuss various ways the public uses this law as well as threats it continually faces in the N.M. Legislature.

LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study Consensus Meeting

St. John's United Methodist Church 1200 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM, United States

LWVSFC meets to consider LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study for consensus. Link with details: to come.

SFWAF Symposium: Democracy in the Time of Autocrats

Santa Fe Community College, Jemez Rooms 6401 Richards Ave, SANTA FE, NM, United States

This symposium will analyze what such political changes, including those in this
country, portend for democracy and the future of our world.

LWVNM 2025 State Convention

The Lodge in Santa Fe 750 N St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, United States

Join us at the 2025 New Mexico state convention of the League of Women Voters, where your voice matters more than ever; this is your chance to engage with fellow advocates, explore vital issues, and shape the future of our community through informed dialogue and action. MEMBERS ONLY