Fill out the membership form below to become a member of The Santa Fe County League of Women Voters.

If you prefer to join by mail, please use the button on the right to download a membership form that can be mailed in with your payment.

The League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All dues and donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. ​

There are many reasons to join the League

And many ways to participate

To Learn How Local Government Works

The LWVSFC helps you understand the structure and functions of local government, including the City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, the Santa Fe Public Schools and Santa Fe Community College.

To Become Informed About Issues

You will receive our monthly newsletter, the VOTER, and be invited to attend a full calendar of LWVSFC activities and events designed to inform you about local, state and national issues that affect our community.

To Find Out “Who’s Who”

The LWVSFC maintains an online guide to elected and appointed government officials and offers frequent opportunities for members to meet and get to know the people they elected to represent them.

To​ Become an Informed Voter

The LWVSFC produces Voter Guides for all local elections, conducts informative candidate forums, and analyzes local issues that will appear on the ballot.

To Sharpen Your Advocacy Skills

The LWVSFC offers training in how to make your voice heard and how to effectively influence elected officials. We also offer opportunities for you to join with other like-minded people in advocating for the causes you care about.

To Help Make Democracy Work

Members of the LWVSFC provide advice and oversight at all levels of the democratic process to ensure transparency, ethical behavior and inclusiveness in government.

To Be “In League” with Others

Membership in the LWVSFC (your local League) also includes membership in the State League (LWVNM) and National League (LWVUS). ​

Become a Member