What Are League Positions?

​The League of Women Voters develops advocacy positions through study and analysis of an issue which is important to the community. Local members participate in discussions of study findings and come to consensus on a proposed LWVSFC position. Once the Board adopts a position, we can take action. Without a formal position, the League is unable to act or advocate on an issue, worthy as it may be. As a non-partisan organization, we advocate only on issues, never on candidates or political parties.

A similar process occurs on the state (LWVNM) and national (LWVUS) levels leading to positions on state and national issues.

T​he League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County Positions on Social Policy, Natural Resources, Land Use and Development, and Local Government can be found on our Positions page.

The LWVSFC Action & Advocacy Committee

The LWVSFC Action & Advocacy committee follows local issues and identifies opportunities to get involved and advocate for a course of action. We meet monthly, usually on the 1st Thursday. Please see the Events Calendar for exact dates and times. Meetings are open to all members – new members are welcome!

Contact us at A&[email protected]

What Do We Do?

  • Monitor public meetings of governing bodies
  • Advocate for or against local government action
  • Write letters to committees, departments, elected officials, and/or newspapers
  • Testify at public meetings
  • Meet with officials
  • Hold public education meetings/forums
  • Form/join coalitions
  • Call the membership to action
  • Take out ads
  • ​Take legal action

How Do We Set Priorities for Action?

​Every year in the late summer, members of the Action & Advocacy committee meet to review our matrix of potential action items. The process involves identifying issues that are active or emergent in the community, related League positions that may allow us to advocate or take other action, and LWVSFC resources who are knowledgeable about the issues and positions. We also prioritize these issues and send the revised matrix to the board for final approval. The board and committee maintain the agility necessary to respond to unforeseen issues as well, but the LWVSFC is committed to strategic planning. We find this process integral to that effort.