LWVSFC General Policies:

LWVSFC General Policies
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LWVSFC Conflict of Interest Policy
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LWVSFC Publicizing Non-League Events Policy
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Passed February 22, 1951.  Amended at Annual meetings in 1953, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2023





The name of this organization shall be the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County. This local League is an integral part of League of Women Voters of the United States, hereinafter referred to as the LWVUS, and the League of Women Voters of New Mexico (LWVNM).



Purposes and Policies


Section 1.  Purposes.  The purposes of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to act on selected governmental issues.


Section 2.  ­Policies.  The policies of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County are:

  1. Political Policy. The League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.
  2. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion PolicyThe League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County is fully committed to ensure compliance – in principle and in practice – with LWVUS’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy.




Section 1.  Eligibility.  Any person who subscribes to the purposes and policies of the League of Women Voters shall be eligible for membership.


Section 2.  Types of Membership. 

  1. Voting Members.  Persons at least 16 years of age who join the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall be voting members of the local and state Leagues of their place of joining and of the LWVUS.  Those who have been members of the League for 50 years or more shall be life members, excused from the payment of dues. Those who are students are defined as individuals enrolled as full or part time with an accredited institution.
  2. Associate Members.   All others who join the League shall be associate members.





Section 1.  Enumeration and Election of Officers.  The officers of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall be a President, a first Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer if the traditional model is used.  A second Vice President (and additional Vice Presidents) may be included as officers.  An alternative leadership team model may be used. The officers shall be elected for terms of two years by the general membership at an Annual Meeting and shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors have been elected and qualified.


In a traditional leadership model, in order to provide a smooth, non-disruptive transition from year to year, the officers’ two-year terms will be offset such that the President and Secretary will be elected in one year, alternating with the Vice President and Treasurer being elected the following year. Any additional Vice-Presidents will be elected in alternating years.


In an alternative structure that does not include a President (see below Section 3.), and in order to provide a smooth, non-disruptive transition from year to year, the two-year terms will be offset such that the Vice President of Administration, the Vice President of Program, and the Secretary will be elected one year; alternating with the Vice President of PR/Communications, the Vice President of Voter Services, and the Treasurer being elected the following year.


Section 2.  In the traditional model:

A   The President.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors.  The President may, in the absence or the disability of the Treasurer, sign, or endorse checks, drafts, and notes.  The President shall be, ex officio, a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.  The President shall have such usual power of supervision and management as may pertain to the office of the President and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Board.  The President shall notify all officers and directors of their election.  The out-going President will remain on the Board the year following her/his term as President.

  1. The Vice Presidents.  The Vice Presidents, in the order of their rank, shall in the event of   absence, resignation, disability, or death of the President, possess all the powers and perform all the duties of that office, until such time as the Board of Directors shall elect one of its members to fill the vacancy.  The Vice Presidents shall perform such duties as the President and the Board may designate.
  2. The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board and General meetings of the League and of the Board of Directors.  Copies of the approved/accepted minutes will be filed in the office of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County. The Secretary shall sign, with the President, all contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board and shall perform such other functions as may be requested of the Secretary’s office.
  3. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due.  The Treasurer shall be the custodian of these monies, shall deposit them in a bank designated by the Board of Directors, and shall disburse the same only upon order of the Board.  The Treasurer shall present statements to the Board at its regular meetings and an annual report to the Annual Meeting.  At least quarterly, the remaining balances of budget line items shall be reported to the Board.  The books of the Treasurer shall be reviewed after the close of the fiscal year by a qualified person appointed by the Board of Directors.


Section 3.  Alternative Structure without a President. If an alternative structure is used and there is no President, the President’s duties will be redistributed among the Vice Presidents as needed to perform the duties of the organization.




Board of Directors

Section 1.  Number.  The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the League, four elected Directors and not more than six appointed Directors.


Section 2.  Manner of Selection and Term of Office.  The four elected Directors shall be elected by the general membership at each Annual Meeting and shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors have been elected and qualified.  These Directors’ two-year terms will be offset such that two will be elected each year in an alternating fashion. The elected members may appoint such additional Directors, not exceeding six, as they deem necessary to carry on the work of the League.  The terms of office of the appointed Directors shall be one year and shall expire at the conclusion of the next Annual Meeting.


Section 3.  Qualifications.  No person shall be elected or appointed or shall continue to serve as an officer or director of this organization unless he or she is a voting member of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County.


Section 4.  Vacancies.  Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors by reason of resignation, death, or disqualification of an officer or elected member may be filled, until the next Annual Meeting, by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors.  Two consecutive absences from a Board meeting without notification to the President or Secretary, and without valid reason, shall be deemed a resignation.


Section 5.  Powers and Duties.  The Board of Directors shall have full charge of the property and business of the organization, with full power and authority to manage and conduct same, subject to the instructions of the general membership.  It shall plan and direct the work necessary to carry out the Program as adopted by the National Convention, the State Convention, and the local Annual Meeting.  The Board shall create and designate such special committees as it may deem necessary.


Section 6.  Executive Committee.  There may be an Executive Committee consisting of three officers and two Board members, elected by the Board of Directors.  The Executive Committee is empowered to act for the Board in emergency situations arising between its meetings.  All actions taken by the Executive Committee in emergency situations shall be reported to the Board at its next regular meeting.  The Executive Committee is empowered to make recommendations to the Board for appointments of Board members.


Section 7.  Meetings.  There shall be at least nine regular meetings of the Board of Directors annually.  The President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors and shall call a special meeting upon the e-mail or surface mail request of five members of the Board. The Board may conduct either regular or special meetings by e-mail or telephone conferencing provided that all Board members have access to the electronic media used. Procedures for discussion, debate and voting shall be in place prior to the convening of such a meeting.


Section 8.  Quorum.  A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.



Financial Administration


Section 1.  Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall commence on the first day of May of each year.


Section 2.  Dues.  Annual dues in the amount to be determined at the Annual Meeting shall be payable September 1. Members who fail to pay their dues within two months after they become payable shall be dropped from the membership rolls after the mailing of the November Voter.


Section 3.  Budget.  A budget for the ensuing year shall be submitted by the Board of Directors to the Annual Meeting for adoption. The budget shall include support for the work of the LWVUS, LWVNM, and LWVSFC.


Section 4.  Finance and Budget Committee.  A Finance and Budget Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors immediately following the Annual Meeting to prepare a budget for the ensuing year and to supervise the current budget.  The proposed budget shall be sent to all members two weeks before Annual Meeting.  The Treasurer shall not be eligible to serve as chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee.


Section 5.  Development/Fundraising.  The LWVSFC, under the direction of the Development/Fundraising Chair, shall raise funds necessary for that part of the budget not covered by membership dues by:

  1. Soliciting nonmember contributions from the community;
  2. Soliciting member contributions; and
  3. Any other practical means approved by the Board.


Section 6.  Distribution of Funds on Dissolution.  In the event of the merger or dissolution of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County, for any reason, all money and securities or other property of whatsoever nature which at the time be owned or under the absolute control of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall be distributed at the discretion of the Board, or such other persons as shall be charged  by law with the liquidation or winding up of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County and its affairs, to any member organization of the League of Women Voters national organization which is exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code; or if none of these organizations are then in existence or exempt under these tax provisions, then, at the discretion of the Board, to another organization which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under such designated tax provisions.




Section 1.  General Meetings.  There shall be at least four general meetings of the membership each year.  Time and place shall be determined by the Board of Directors.


Section 2.  Annual Meeting.  An Annual Meeting shall be held between March 15 and May 31, the exact dates to be determined by the Board of Directors.  The Annual Meeting shall:

  1.  Adopt a local program for the ensuing year;
  2.  Elect officers and directors and members of the Nominating Committee;
  3.  Adopt an adequate budget;
  4.  Transact such other business as may properly come before it; and
  5.  Receive written reports from officers and chairs of committees.


Section 3.  Quorum.  Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at Annual Meetings and at any General meeting where business is transacted.  Absentee or proxy voting shall not be permitted.



Nominations and Elections


Section 1.  ­Nominating Committee.  The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members, two of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors.  The Chair and two members, who shall not be members of the Board, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.  Nominations for these offices shall be made by the current Nominating Committee.  The other members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors immediately following Annual Meeting.  Any vacancy on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors.


Section 2.  ­Report of the Nominating Committee and Nominations from the Floor.

The report of the Nominating Committee of its nominations for Officers, Directors, and members of the succeeding Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members two weeks before the date of the Annual Meeting.  The report of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the Annual Meeting.  Immediately following the presentation of the report, nominations may be made from the floor by any voting member, provided the consent of the nominee shall have been secured.


Section 3.  Elections.  The election shall be by ballot unless the President deems it appropriate to use an alternative voting method.  When there is but one nominee for an office, and no nominations are made from the floor, the ballot may be eliminated and the Secretary may be instructed to cast a unanimous vote for the nominee.  A majority vote of those qualified to vote and voting shall constitute an election. 





Section 1.  Authorization.  The governmental principles adopted by the National Convention, and supported by the League as a whole, constitute the authorization for the adoption of program.


Section 2.  Program. The Program of the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County shall consist of:

  1. A. Such current local government issues as the membership shall choose for concerted study,    action, and sustained attention to permit continued action; and
  2. Action to protect the right to vote of every citizen.


Section 3.  Action by the Annual Meeting.  The Annual Meeting shall act upon the Program using the following procedures:

  1. The Board of Directors shall consider the recommendations sent in by all voting members and the recommendations from the Local Program Planning Meetings two months prior to the Annual Meeting and shall formulate a Proposed Program.
  2. The Proposed Program shall be sent to all members two weeks before the Annual Meeting.
  3. A majority vote of the voting members present and voting at the Annual Meeting shall be required for adoption of items in the Proposed Program as presented to the Annual Meeting by the Board of Directors.
  4. Recommendations for Program submitted by voting members two months prior to the Annual   Meeting but not recommended by the Board of Directors may be considered by the Annual Meeting provided that the Annual Meeting shall order consideration by a majority vote. Non-recommended program items must be adopted by a two-thirds vote.
  5. Only those program recommendations which have been made following the above procedure will be considered.  Items not previously submitted cannot be considered at the Annual Meeting
  6. Any study item adopted by the general membership at the Annual Meeting shall be dropped automatically if a chair is not found within sixty days of the Annual Meeting.


Section 4.  Changes in Program.  In case of altered conditions, program changes may be made, provided that information concerning the proposed change has been sent to all members at least two weeks prior to a General Meeting at which the change is to be discussed.  Final action by the membership may be taken at the same or a succeeding meeting.


Section 5.  Member Action.  Members may act in the name of the League of Women Voters only when authorized to do so by the Board of Directors.



National Convention, State Convention and Council


Section 1.  National Convention.  The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the national office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of the United States.


Section 2.  State Convention.  The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of New Mexico.


Section 3.  State Council.  The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Council in the number allotted the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of New Mexico.



Parliamentary Authority


Sections 1.  Parliamentary Authority.  The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.



Standing Rules


Section 1.  Standing Rules.  The League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County may adopt, pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order Revised, such Standing Rules as may from time to time be necessary and convenient to the governance of the internal affairs.  No standing rules shall conflict with or take precedence over any provisions of these Bylaws.


Section 2.  Amendments.  These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present and voting at the Annual Meeting, provided the amendments were submitted to the membership in printed form at least two weeks in advance of the Annual Meeting.


Updated and Adopted:  May 13, 2023